Volunteering Opportunities
  • American Hiking Organization
    "For the last three decades, American Hiking Society has been at the forefront protecting the nation’s trails and the hiking experience. Hiking our nation’s trails offers Americans boundless opportunities to enjoy nature, renew themselves and establish a lifetime of fitness. American Hiking Society works toward ensuring that hiking trails and natural places are cherished and preserved for us and for future generations as well."
  • Amigos de las Americas
    "Founded in 1965 in Houston, Amigos de las Américas (AMIGOS) is an international, non-profit organization that provides unparalleled leadership and community service opportunities for young people while concurrently contributing to the well-being of hundreds of communities throughout the Americas. Supported by a strong network of Pan-American chapters, high school and college students from diverse backgrounds work successfully with host communities and partner agencies to address health and education priorities."
  • Child Family Health International
    "Child Family Health International (CFHI) is the leading nongovernmental organization (NGO) placing health science students on global health education programs in ways that are socially responsible and financially just. We model best global health education practices which demonstrate a priority commitment to community engagement and local integrity. CFHI works at 18 sites in 6 countries with over 250 partners and has enrolled students from over 35 countries, with 4,500+ alumni to date. We have also partnered with leading universities, such as the University of California at Davis, Stanford University School of Medicine and Duke University's School of Nursing.”
  • Cross Cultural Solutions
    “Cross-Cultural Solutions is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1995. CCS has been operating international volunteer programs for over 10 years, with over 4,000 volunteers participating each year. CCS has a worldwide staff of over 300 people in 12 countries such as Brazil, China. Costa Rica, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Peru, Russia, Tanzania, and Thailand, with administrative offices also located in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. Since 1995, more than 15,000 volunteers have traveled to countries around the world as part of a Cross-Cultural Solutions program. Our vision is of a world where people value cultures different from their ow, are aware of global issues, and are empowered to effect positive change. Our mission is to operate volunteer programs around the world in partnership with sustainable community initiatives, bring people together to work side-by-side while sharing perspectives and fostering cultural understanding.”
  • Earth Watch
    "Earthwatch Institute engages people worldwide in scientific field research and education to promote the understanding and action necessary for a sustainable environment. Earthwatch volunteers have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact on wildlife, habitats, and local communities around the world for many years to come."
  • Global Citizens Network
    “Global Citizens Network recognizes the interdependence of people around the world, and that social and economic injustice, racial and ethnic inequality, and ecological loss affect all people. Through cooperative effort, individuals of all cultures can experience and enhance their ability to make a difference in their community and their world. To foster that cooperation, Global Citizens Network sends short-term teams of volunteers to communities in other cultures where participants immerse themselves in the culture and daily life of the community. Each volunteer team is partnered with a local grassroots organization active in meeting local needs. Global Citizens Network creates a worldwide network of people and organizations committed to addressing global issues. By providing participants the opportunity to learn about the society, knowledge, art and livelihood of other cultures, Global Citizens Network seeks to honor and help preserve those cultures.”
  • Global Service Corps
    Global Service Corps (GSC) is a nonprofit international volunteer organization providing service-learning opportunities for people worldwide to live and work abroad in Thailand and Tanzania. Programs are offered year-round from two weeks to six months. Enjoy a true cultural immersion by staying in a homestay with local families, while working hand-in-hand with local counterparts on community development projects. Personalized service-learning programs, including HIV/AIDS education and prevention, sustainable agriculture, international healthcare, English instruction, Buddhist immersion, begin with week long technical training and orientation sessions, and provide rewarding hands-on challenges for volunteers. GSC also offers long-term internships for students seeking academic credit and a more in-depth service learning experience, as well as career-enhancing fellowship programs for participants with advanced degrees. As an accredited NGO with a complete in-country staff, Global Service Corps has become an established part of each community it serves, and tailors its development programs to offer the most benefit to the community, while providing an unforgettable experience for its volunteers.
  • Global Volunteers
    “Global Volunteers is a private, non-profit, non-sectarian, non-governmental organization engaging short-term volunteers on micro-economic and human development programs in close partnership with local people worldwide since 1984. Working at the invitation and under the direction of local leaders, volunteers help create a foundation for world peace through mutual international understanding. Our purpose is to maintain a genuine, sustained service partnership with the host community and provide volunteers a genuine opportunity to serve. Our short term volunteers in our non-profit network provide long-term, ethical service on a volunteer vacation abroad or a USA volunteer program. Our programs last between one week to extended stays of 24 weeks. We support some 100 host communities in 21 countries year-around through short-term volunteer teams, direct project funding and child sponsorships. No specialized skills are needed to contribute genuine development assistance.”
  • Globe Aware
    “Globe Aware seeks to promote lifelong advocates for a better world and to sustain the world's cultural and natural resources. The organization, together with the local community hosts, develops effective local solutions to global problems in non-religious, non-political, multi-international environments. The aim is to expand and foster cross-cultural peace and understanding between Americans and the rest of the world, to preserve culture and promote sustainability. Globe Aware expeditions provide volunteers the opportunity to live and work side by side with a host community. The hosts provide a safe and interesting setting in which to learn, help, and have fun. The volunteers help to empower the host communities in creating renewable, self-sufficient programs. While Globe Aware's financial assistance benefits the community economically, it is actually the involvement and collaboration between the volunteers and community that is the greatest mutual benefit.”
  • Habitat for Humanity International
    ”Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. HFHI seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat is a worldwide, grassroots movement with a presence in more than 90 countries, including all 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico.”
  • Orphanage Outreach
    ”Since 1994, over 5000 volunteers have joined Orphanage Outreach in the Dominican Republic. Inidividual volunteers from over 100 schools and churches have paticipated, as have organized teams from many colleges and universities, high schools, and churches. We work hard to make sure your basic logistical needs are taken care of. As an individual volunteer or group leader, we don't want you to have to focus on where you next shower, meal, or bus ride will come from.We want you to focus on what you are there for, to make a difference with the Dominican people.”
  • Projects Abroad
    ”Projects Abroad sends volunteers abroad to over 20 countries to do over 100 different internships and service projects. Founded in 1992, we have grown to a team of 200 people around the world that sends 3500 volunteers annually. Volunteers can go at any time, for as long as they wish. Our most popular programs include: environmental conservation, archaeology and cultural preservation, teaching English, care work in orphanages, as well as medical and nursing projects.”
  • ProWorld Service Corps
    ”The mission of ProWorld is to promote social and economic development, empower communities, and cultivate educated compassionate global citizens. ProWorld offers 2-26 week internship, volunteer, and study abroad programs in Latin America. All programs are based on hands-on community-driven development projects. We believe that within every project decision and every community interaction there exists the opportunity for ProWorld staff and volunteers to strengthen our mission and practice our core values: commitment, integrity, vision, sustainability, compassion, and success.”
  • WorldTeach
    ”WorldTeach is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based at the Center for International Development at Harvard University that provides opportunities for individuals to make a meaningful contribution to international education by living and working as volunteer teachers in developing countries. WorldTeach offers summer and year-long programs in American Samoa, Bangladesh, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Micronesia, Namibia, Poland, Rwanda, South Africa, and Venezuela.”

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